The Olin Ezra Show: The perfect cure for the mind f**k we have come to know as the daily grind. A cast that isn’t afraid of controversy. Raw and uncut talk radio that slaps society in the face and reminds listeners to think for themselves, be themselves, and get back to the basics of humanity. The show is direct, dirty and on the verge of disgusting, but real. No bullshit, no censor, and exactly what the underground talk revolution listeners want to hear.
But who is Olin Ezra? Who is the mind behind the internet talk show that is changing the Detroit rock and talk scene as we know it? I had a chance to sit down one on one with Olin in his Hamtramck home. This is what he had to say….
JD: So Olin. Tell me. Who are you when not on the show?
OE: I am Olin Ezra. I smoke a lot of weed. I sit on my computer and work on the show. Pretty much the show is my life, it’s all I do. Other than the 9-5 which is bullshit anyways. It is what it is. I hustle. I find ways to push us all forward towards a direction that is brand new. It’s internet radio. We’re pirate radio but were not illegal.
JD: The show started August 2008. What was life like before the show?
OE: I was a mess. I am still a mess. I am less of a mess now than I was. I had this job with Comcast but got fired because I smoked weed. I used to be a rapper and at one point I was in a punk band but that didn’t go anywhere. I had another talk show previously that only went 1 ½ episodes. But I moved in with Dylan and started making music and brainstorming. He is still a huge part of the show today. In fact, he is everything. He is the puppet master and I am the puppet.
JD: Since 2008 there have been a lot of cast members that have come and gone. Most recently Steve aka Magnanomous who had been on the show since episode 2. What are your thoughts on the turnover and where the show is going?
OE: – If you’re not happy doing something don’t do it. And if you’re not going to do it 100% than don’t do it. Everyone that has been on the show that has parted ways with the show has left on good terms. It’s not bad. It doesn’t matter what happens, everyone has to do what they have to do for a reason. Unfortunately Magnano just resigned from the show, but that is ok. Because it is what it is. The show from episode 100 to 101 has gone through such a transitional period. And the way we ended 100 left open for us to do whatever we wanted to do with the show. We almost killed it if you listen to the last 15 seconds of episode 100. We pretty much almost destroyed everything that the show was audibly in the ear and we broke it all down. So now we have something new to rebuild from. To learn from the mistakes we made in the first 100 when we were this little cheesy underground show. And now I’m not saying were mainstream product by any means, but now we have the opportunity to have sponsors behind the show and have people behind the show to make it bigger than just this cool underground show with bands on it and raunchy ideas. It’s more of a community type thing where it is Detroit. There is nothing that you can’t put on these 89x or the WRIF that you can’t get in Tampa Bay, Las Vegas, LA or Chicago. So the OE show is about Detroit. It’s about where we are from. It is Entertainment that speaks to you and me.
JD: Through the change in cast and the personal roller coaster of a ride you have been on the past two years, your beliefs still shine through to your audience. What are your thoughts about your message?
OE: I just want to speak to people. All people. People are people. I don’t care. People have ideas and people have opinions about things and everyone’s opinions are repressed. And when you go through school you have this structured way of doing something and the repetition and regurgitating of information is useless and trivial. When is the last time you used a f**king algebraic equation? Are you an architect? Learn about the things that motivate who you are and what drive you to do the things you want to do and you will find that everything that you have learned has been a living crock of oily bullshit. When I interviewed Sublime with Rome. Eric the base player told me about how he played with bums on the street on Woodward, with street musicians, and he had a f**cking blast and loved it. And that’s what music is about. It isn’t about playing for a crowd and doing a tour. It’s about giving someone else goose bumps because you’re doing something you love. You just don’t hear about that in this day and age. There are a couple artists out there who have been able to keep what they have. But really I haven’t heard anything new and innovative except for what’s going on in Detroit for a long time. And I am sure that it’s not only Detroit that’s having this underground revolution that’s happening. I am sure there are other cities too. I don’t know, you just don’t get that. So I want to give people something they can relate and listen to any time of the day, anytime they want. And it’s just the way the world has changed and the way our personal lives have changed it has changed the show. It’s a crazier roller coaster than it was before. Now we are going live and that’s added another element. is set to launch on 9/12/10 and is going to stream nothing but local music, talk, and anything else anyone would like to try. Detroit Live Radio featuring Darien Counts will be one of the launch shows. will be uncensored streaming internet radio available anywhere you can take a smart phone. I’m pumped!
JD: What are you doing when you’re not on the show?
OE: Computer games.
JD: Do you like to Read?
OE: The last book I read was The Art of War. It’s 2000 years old and mind blowing. Anyone who is an entrepreneur needs to go out and read that book. I have read some more recent books lately as well. Ron Paul has some excellent books out about Liberty. How people have forgot about Liberty and what the real definition of liberty is. Having liberty means other people can’t infringe on you as a person ever. And that’s kind of not the way it is right now.
JD- That’s a big message you portray on the show as well.
OE: That is the most important message behind all the stupid f**king taint jokes and baby orchas on my face rubbing their nipples extruding juice everywhere.(laughs). All I am going to say is this. The OE show brings out the best and worst in everyone.
Interviewed by Jim Doyon from Photo provided by MGNader Photography
Check out Olin at and