Brian Schram Band News

 The Brian Schram Band has changed their name! No longer known as “Brian Schram”, or “The Brian Schram Band”, not even “Schram Band” will work. From now on this hot threesome from the Motor City will simply be known as “Schram”. Hey what ever! These guys rock no matter what they are called! Further news finds “Schram” up in Winnipeg, Manitoba this week at the “Winnipeg Studio” recording a new album! That’s right, with their latest “Disturbing The Peace” released this past June, the boys are back in the studio laying down some new tracks. Details are slim, but as you all know it takes a while for new recordings to come to fruitation, and I imagine this one will be out sometime next year. The good thing is that we’ll finally get to hear a full Disc of the band’s new drummer Jason Hartless on this one, having only a guest appearance on the Disturbing The Peace disc for the “White Room” track. As new updates come available we’ll post ‘em here to keep everyone up to date.  

Rock On!

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