Kid Rock Scuffles @ VMA’s

 Las Vegas, NV

Apparently Tommy Lee received more than he bargained for during Sunday night’s post show broadcast of the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards at the Palms Casino And Hotel. It appears that the MTV guys might have sat Tommy Lee and Detroit’s Own Kid Rock a little too close for comfort. During the exceedingly boring and sometime pathetic award show, Tommy Lee, who was seated next to Sean Puffy P. Diddy (what’s my name this week) Combs, became a little “Bored” himself, and began to instigate some name calling. Growing agitated at Kid Rock for ignoring him, Lee began to “stand up” in an attempt to confront Rock, but was met with a “backhand across the face” from Rock. As Lee again attempted to “aggressively get at him”, Rock flat out decked him. By this time the security guards arrives and head locked Lee to the floor and escorted him out, while the Kid was allowed to stay. Rock did receive a citation for his actions. Read the full story here-ˍawardsˍfight;ˍylt=AgIz29YOwUziiAqTPˍNDK7YnHL8C

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